Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Pensacola 3 Mile Bridge Swim

May 17-18, 2014 
Last weekend Rachel and I swam in the Pensacola Bay 1 mile and 3 mile bridge swims.
For months I had agonized over all the details, prayed for wetsuit legal water temps, calm water, and NO sea creatures!  When the big day finally arrived,  God had answered all my prayers! I was ecstatic! Okay, and I was also a bundle of nerves! 
On Saturday night, Rachel rocked the mile swim (her 1st ever open water race) finishing 1st in her age group and 4th overall for the women.  I came in a mere 12 minutes behind her- finishing 2nd in my age group but somewhere near the bottom overall!
The Pensacola 3 Mile Bridge
On Sunday, I managed to turn what was supposed to be a 2 hour 3 mile swim into a nearly 3 hour 4 1/2 mile swim!  I guess I underestimated exactly how much time I might spend throwing up while holding onto the side of a kayak (fun) -and exactly how far off course I might drift while doing so! (Yikes!)  But, somehow, by the grace of God and with the support of amazing friends and family, I made it to the finish line!


A zoomed in view of the bridge from the shore near the start line

The view from the finish line

Saturday night after the 1 mile swim
 Did I mention that Rachel was my kayak support?! She did an amazing job keeping me on track.  And she stayed right by my side the whole way...well, right up until  it looked like I might not make it to the finish. 

At the 1/2 point we were right on pace to finish at (or maybe even a little under) my goal time. Then...things got ugly.  That's when my friend Martie (who also happens to be my masters swim coach) came to my rescue.  She had realized that my estimated finish time had long since come and gone.  So,  she set sail to find us!  When she reached us she asked Rachel to head back to shore to get Anthony.  I guess I must have been a sight! --dizzy and throwing up--but refusing to throw in the towel.  I mean, I could see the finish line for heaven's sake--I just didn't know how I was going to get there!

Martie gave me the support and encouragement I needed to "keep calm & swim on".  When Anthony met up with us, the two of them had me drink some water and convinced me that if I could just swim for 15 more minutes I'd be to the finish line.  And...they promised to keep me on course until I made it there.
Approaching the finish line with my escorts!  Anthony's on my left and Martie's on my right.
I'm the little pink cap in the middle. ;)

Sprinting (?) to the finish! :)

"Oh my goodness!"

Me posing with my swim friends after the race.  They each finished at least an HOUR before me!
and notice they aren't wearing wetsuits!
Back at the hotel after the swim

We did it!!!
An event I hope to soon forget! ;)


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Birthdays, Baseball, Bowling and Broken Bones!

April is the month of birthdays at our house.  Anthony, Brady, Glory and Sean were all born in April. So, we have a birthday to celebrate every week that month!

Part of the birthday festivities this year included a trip to see the Montgomery Biscuits!  I agree that it is a goofy name for a minor league baseball team but they are fun to watch all the same! 

Glory had wanted to go bowling for her birthday this year.  But, low and behold, the poor little thing ended up breaking her arm ON HER BIRTHDAY!  (Didn't quite stick the landing from the monkey bars)  And as if that weren't enough, we spent the rest of the night huddled in the bathroom seeking shelter from possible tornadoes.  All 9 of us. 

Thankfully, she broke her left arm and she wasn't about to let that keep her from bowling!

The Birthday Girl!



My favorite part of the game was watching our little ones encourage each other!

The little three were done after round 1! ;)

Dad pickin' up the spare!

Notice Hope hugging me in the background?...She's trying to convince me she had nothing to do with why Sean is crying.  She's pretty convincing!  But, unfortunately for her, she's not my first child. ;)

Bowling Buddies!

Me & My Peeps!
This shot was taken on Brady's actual birthday...I had to include it!
Happy Birthday Brady!

In my dreams I am a Kenyan...

Whoo-Hoo!!! I finally did it!  After years.  Literally.  I have now logged a sub 8 minute pace for a 5K, 10K, and 15K race.  With finishing paces of  7:26, 7:50 (that course was a doozy!) and 7:50 respectively. 

And,  guess what I have to show for my big accomplishment?  2 Master overall titles.  You know, the award given to the old folks in the crowd.  Really?  Am I that old?!?
I guess it wouldn't bother me so much if the only lady to finish ahead of me in two of those races wasn't a TEENAGER!!!  Okay, so 25 years and 7 children maybe slowed me down a little. ;)

Fortunately, I don't have any pictures to post.  I'm sure I must look like I'm just seconds from death at the finish line!

But...enough about me...what's really exciting is that Lauren, Ryan, and Brady ran in their first 5K!  Lauren was the 1st place finisher in her age group for the girls and Ryan and Brady took 1st and 2nd for their age group!  We were so proud of them and we praise God for blessing them with healthy bodies able to run and play!! 

Unfortunately, however, we don't have any pictures to post of them either.  Their parents were out on the 15K race course that day...and Rachel (our other resident photographer) was sweet enough to keep all the little ones home so we could run.  Thanks, Rachel!

p.s.  I also have to give a big shout out to Anthony for running along side me!  He sacrificed his pace for the sake of mine and I know I couldn't have done it without him! You are the best, Anthony! I love you!


Just wanted to post a few pictures from Easter.  We LOVE Easter!  It's such a  special time to reflect on Christ's death and to celebrate His resurrection.  Easter Sunday always refreshes my soul. 

Spring, eggs, bunnies, chicks...they are all beautiful symbols of life. Sweet symbols of abundant life we have here on Earth through Jesus and hopeful reminders of the reality of eternal life yet to come in heaven with our Savior-the author and perfecter of our faith! 

We have so much to celebrate because He is risen indeed!  Thank you, Jesus!


"Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
Hebrews 12:1-2