Wednesday, May 14, 2014

In my dreams I am a Kenyan...

Whoo-Hoo!!! I finally did it!  After years.  Literally.  I have now logged a sub 8 minute pace for a 5K, 10K, and 15K race.  With finishing paces of  7:26, 7:50 (that course was a doozy!) and 7:50 respectively. 

And,  guess what I have to show for my big accomplishment?  2 Master overall titles.  You know, the award given to the old folks in the crowd.  Really?  Am I that old?!?
I guess it wouldn't bother me so much if the only lady to finish ahead of me in two of those races wasn't a TEENAGER!!!  Okay, so 25 years and 7 children maybe slowed me down a little. ;)

Fortunately, I don't have any pictures to post.  I'm sure I must look like I'm just seconds from death at the finish line!

But...enough about me...what's really exciting is that Lauren, Ryan, and Brady ran in their first 5K!  Lauren was the 1st place finisher in her age group for the girls and Ryan and Brady took 1st and 2nd for their age group!  We were so proud of them and we praise God for blessing them with healthy bodies able to run and play!! 

Unfortunately, however, we don't have any pictures to post of them either.  Their parents were out on the 15K race course that day...and Rachel (our other resident photographer) was sweet enough to keep all the little ones home so we could run.  Thanks, Rachel!

p.s.  I also have to give a big shout out to Anthony for running along side me!  He sacrificed his pace for the sake of mine and I know I couldn't have done it without him! You are the best, Anthony! I love you!

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