Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Birthdays, Baseball, Bowling and Broken Bones!

April is the month of birthdays at our house.  Anthony, Brady, Glory and Sean were all born in April. So, we have a birthday to celebrate every week that month!

Part of the birthday festivities this year included a trip to see the Montgomery Biscuits!  I agree that it is a goofy name for a minor league baseball team but they are fun to watch all the same! 

Glory had wanted to go bowling for her birthday this year.  But, low and behold, the poor little thing ended up breaking her arm ON HER BIRTHDAY!  (Didn't quite stick the landing from the monkey bars)  And as if that weren't enough, we spent the rest of the night huddled in the bathroom seeking shelter from possible tornadoes.  All 9 of us. 

Thankfully, she broke her left arm and she wasn't about to let that keep her from bowling!

The Birthday Girl!



My favorite part of the game was watching our little ones encourage each other!

The little three were done after round 1! ;)

Dad pickin' up the spare!

Notice Hope hugging me in the background?...She's trying to convince me she had nothing to do with why Sean is crying.  She's pretty convincing!  But, unfortunately for her, she's not my first child. ;)

Bowling Buddies!

Me & My Peeps!
This shot was taken on Brady's actual birthday...I had to include it!
Happy Birthday Brady!

1 comment:

  1. A visit to the ballpark is a great way to celebrate a birthday -- in your case, four birthdays! It seemed like you had a great time at the ball game. I hope this helps introduce your kids to the great sport that is baseball. Who knows, they may even play in the little league soon. As for the tornado, I hope you guys were not greatly affected by it. Stay safe!

    Linnie Dimmitt @ Uniforms Express
